15 May 2005Jackie Veracruz arrived at the Crossroads, led by Hecate's hound, as Hecate sat on an ornate throne made of the still-moving limbs and occasional head of the undead. The Queen of Magic waited silently, sipping from a goblet of wine and looking out over her realm. As the hound made its way to sit beside the throne, Jackie hesitated. "Welcome back, Jacqueline." Jackie took a deep breath and looked up at the goddess, who was now so large that the mortal had to keep a bit of distance just to see up and over her knees. "Thank you, mistress. I was growing concerned." "As you should. You're fortunate I called you back here at all, after you hid from me in the arms of that Anchor." "I-" "Don't bother, child. I gave you power, and knowledge. I invested in you for years, turning your feeble attempts at magic into a force that has changed lives. I watched you grow from a scared child to a formidable young woman. I warned you about the greatest danger to magic that exists in this world when it was right in front of you, and you repaid it all by using him to hide from me. There is nothing you can say that will make that action acceptable to me." She glared down at Jackie, who was now trembling and looking down at the ground in front of the throne. "But, there is something you can do that I will accept as payment." Jackie slowly looked back up to meet her gaze. "What is it?" "You will bring him to me." "You...you mean John? The Anchor?" "I told you that Anchors and Warlocks are mine. He is a liminal being, and as such under my purview. I have use for him." "Right, yes. But, how?" "You must go to him. Nudge him, guide him. Make sure that he finds his way to me." "What if he doesn't want to?" "He is mine, child, just like you. I will use him while he is useful and discard him if he is not, do you understand?" "I...but that-" Hecate snapped her fingers, and Jackie froze. Her eyes glazed over and she stood, upright, staring blankly forward. "I have waited too long for someone as useful as him to come along, and don't have time for your hesitations." Hecate held out her hand, palm up, and as she curled her fingers in Jackie began to float up and toward her face. When she was finally hovering at eye level, only a few feet from Hecate's face, the goddess smiled. "Now then. You will go to live near John. You will watch him, you will guide him to me, and you will do it all without delay. Do you understand?" Jackie slowly nodded. "Good. And to make sure you behave, you will not remember anything from this visit except that you have been welcomed back. Is that agreeable to you?" "Yes...mistress." "Good. Now go. You have much to do." Hecate flicked her hand, and Jackie went flying. She landed softly, as if the road were made of cushions, and then slowly stood and continued to stare in her daze. The hound moved forward and led her slowly back down the path from which she came. "You're very interested in this boy, Hecate." She growled. "And you're very interested in trespassing on my realm, Muninn." The Two, in human form and as tall as Hecate, stepped out from the shadows behind her throne and made their way around to face her. Muninn, the man, smiled. "All realms are our realms. All roads are our roads." "What do you want?" "She is of interest to us," the woman said, glancing down the road. "And I wonder if you aren't a bit harsh on her." "I should wish I could be as harsh with you, Huginn. What business do you have with her?" "That is our business. But I would advise you to not let your distrust of ravens make you forget your place." "I assure you I have never forgotten my place. But it has changed before, and it may yet change again." "Yes," Muninn said, turning away. "I'm sure it will." With that, the two visitors became ravens and flew out of the Crossroads. Hecate threw her goblet in their direction, then leaned back in her throne to think.
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